
Live Love Life Now™ is a mantra I created years ago when I needed motivation to start focusing on how to thrive each day, rather than to just survive. It took many years since that initial inspiration to figure out what thriving actually looked like to me...and then to find the courage to pursue that vision.

For me, thriving was about returning to my artistic roots and leaving a job that I was really good at but which would never be a fulfilling career.

Last year I found myself ready to take that leap of faith and therefore resigned from my corporate job (after 10 years!) in order to pursue creative ways to make a difference in the world that would also combine my passions for animals, photography and philanthropy.

This site is currently a work in progress, but will soon be a place for me to share all of the projects that I'm dreaming about and creating.

In the meantime, maybe take a few minutes out of your busy day to reflect on how you could do more thriving!

P.S. If you feel like saying hi, send a message to jenn@livelovelifenow.com - I'd love to hear from you!